fireplace and stove installationFireplaces and wood stoves are making a strong comeback in homes to provide us with clean, renewable, and cost-effective energy while adding undeniable value as a decorative element. In terms of aesthetics, they add a real cachet to your decoration while enhancing your property.

Furthermore, they are true auxiliary heating systems. They will be useful for raising the temperature when collective heating is insufficient. You will be happy to find them when the collective heating system has been switched off a little too soon. Few things can create a more comfortable atmosphere than a living room with a fireplace or natural wood stove.

The new designs allow heat to be distributed throughout the room with smaller sizes, and its use, whether alone or in conjunction with other air conditioning systems, will make your home more sustainable and efficient.

In general, installing a wood stove is quick, easy, and safe, and can be completed in hours but, it will depend on the characteristics of each home. Below is a list of requirements to consider if you want to install a fireplace or a wood stove in your home:

The stove’s location and surroundings

In addition to the outlet or draft hole, it is recommended that a safety distance of one meter be maintained around the stove, especially if the room contains elements such as curtains, rugs, wooden furniture, and so on. It will prevent them from igniting if a spark escapes. In addition, the stove must have an insulating element between the floor and the stove (any type of stone, marble, metal, or fireproof tiles) with which 1m2 can be covered around the stove if the floor on which it is installed is wood

The smoke vent

To ensure proper smoke evacuation, the smoke outlet pipe should be straight with no elbows. If an elbow is required in the smoke outlet, it is best to consult the manufacturer. Most of them though recommend that the angle of the elbow be equal to or less than 45o. Inclined tubes must have a short travel distance.
Even though it may appear obvious, if there are multiple stoves, each one must have its smoke outlet; never connect two devices to the same tube. Finally, to prevent fume leaks, the tubes must be sealed with refractory putty.

The flue pipe’s dimensions

The duct must be tall and wide enough to accommodate the smoke outlet. Manufacturers recommend a minimum height of four meters but, keep in mind that the higher the height, the better the shot. The tube will be made of stainless steel and will be round to facilitate cleaning and take advantage of the smoke’s dynamics. The pipe sections must be properly sealed with a special putty. Pipes should be routed inside the house whenever possible to avoid cooling and heat loss.

Maintain adequate room ventilation

Outside air intake is required to ensure proper combustion, especially in small spaces. Because an oxygen inlet promotes good combustion, an air inlet may be required at times, especially in well-insulated homes.

The area surrounding the external smoke outlet

There must be enough space around the smoke outlet on the roof. The tube should protrude about a meter above the roof or any other elements on it. Keep in mind that there must be no obstacles (trees, walls, etc.) within an 8 to 10-meter radius of the outside exit. What the law says about a fireplace and stove installation in an apartment. No law says you can’t have a fireplace or a stove in your apartment. On the other hand, the following must be considered:

Examine the co-ownership regulations for any restrictions.

Begin by ensuring that the building’s co-ownership regulations do not impose any restrictions on the installation of a stove or fireplace, or the type of fuel used (wood may be prohibited). If you are a tenant, begin by requesting permission from your landlord, who can provide you with this document and initiate any formalities with the co-ownership.

In an apartment, respect the rules in terms of chimney sweeping and installation and ensure chimney cleaning and repairs are done as required. If you choose a fireplace or a wood-burning stove, you must hire a chimney sweep to inspect the flue twice a year (logs or pellets).

If you choose a natural gas appliance, only one annual sweeping is required, or none at all if you choose a suction cup installation. In addition, if you want to install an open fireplace, keep in mind that it is incompatible with systems or extractor hoods, which can cause air depressions that prevent a good draft. While fireplaces and wood stoves are convenient and attractive to have around, there are a few things to consider and you must do so to avoid any unexpected injuries or fires.